Tollywood is facing the biggest raid conducted by Income Tax officials like never before. Most of the production houses are approached to check the transactions made. The raids continued on the second day across the production houses owned by Dil Raju, Mythri Movie Makers, Abhishek Aggarwal Arts, Anil Sunkara’s AK Entertainments and others. Top director Sukumar was restricted in his residence and the raids continued on the second day. All the transactions for the recent years are being verified and traced. All the key people from the accounts teams of all these production houses are investigated.
Almost 200 officials are divided into 55 teams and are carrying the investigation. Dil Raju has been brought to his office after he was investigated at his residence on day one. Mythri Naveen, Ravi Shankar and Cherry are investigated for the second day. The accounts of Pushpa 2: The Rule are being verified. Apart from the production houses, raids are conducted across financiers and firms related to the production houses. Mango Ram shares a close bonding with Dil Raju and his firm Mango Mass Media is raided. Many more updates are expected and the raids are expected to continue for the next couple of days.