In a light-hearted yet insightful moment at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu shared the stage with his counterparts from Telangana and Maharashtra ,Revanth Reddy and Devendra Fadnavis, respectively. During a panel discussion, Chandrababu humorously remarked, “They are very rich, and we are very poor,” referring to the economic disparities between the states. His comment drew laughter and applause from the audience, lightening the mood of the high-profile event.
The three leaders were participating in the “Country Strategic Dialogue” session, organized by the Union Ministry of Commerce to attract investments to India. The discussion focused on key sectors such as green energy, artificial intelligence (AI), and defense, with state leaders highlighting the opportunities and infrastructure available in their respective regions.
Chandrababu Naidu used the platform to underscore the economic challenges faced by Andhra Pradesh. He pointed out that while Maharashtra, with its financial capital Mumbai, and Telangana, which boasts the highest per capita income in India, are economically strong, Andhra Pradesh is still striving to overcome financial hurdles.
“Maharashtra is the financial capital of India, and Telangana has the highest per capita income. They are very rich, but we are very poor,” Chandrababu said, adding a touch of humor to his candid acknowledgment of the state’s struggles. His remark not only highlighted the economic realities but also showcased his ability to connect with the audience through wit and honesty.
The Davos summit has become a crucial platform for Indian states to showcase their potential and attract global investments. Chief Ministers and delegations from various states have been engaging with international companies and business leaders, presenting their states as ideal destinations for investment.
Nara Chandrababu Naidu, along with Revanth Reddy and Devendra Fadnavis, emphasized the infrastructure, policies, and opportunities available in their states. Andhra Pradesh, in particular, is focusing on sectors like renewable energy, IT, and manufacturing to boost its economy and create jobs.
The “Country Strategic Dialogue” session aimed to present India as a unified investment destination while allowing states to highlight their unique strengths. The presence of three prominent Chief Ministers on the same stage symbolized the collaborative spirit of Indian states in driving economic growth.
Chandrababu’s humorous yet painful remark also served as a reminder of the diverse economic landscapes within India and the need for balanced development across states.