Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu wrapped up a highly productive four-day visit to Davos, Switzerland, where he showcased the state’s potential to global corporate leaders and investors. The tour, aimed at boosting Andhra Pradesh’s brand image and attracting massive investments, saw Chandrababu engaging in a series of high-level meetings, roundtable discussions, and networking events with top executives from leading global companies.
During his visit, Chandrababu highlighted Andhra Pradesh’s skilled workforce, technological advancements in public services, and ease of doing business. He met with CEOs and representatives from nearly 15 global corporations across various sectors, presenting the state’s favourable policies, industrial infrastructure, and the ambitious Swarna Andhra Vision 2047 plan.
Key discussions revolved around green energy, green hydrogen, and sustainable industrial growth. Chandrababu invited companies to explore investment opportunities in the state’s ports, industrial parks, and renewable energy projects. Several global firms, including Denmark’s Maersk and South Korea’s LG Chem, expressed interest in setting up projects in Andhra Pradesh.
The AP Chief Minister also emphasized the state’s potential as a global hub for green energy and green hydrogen. He proposed collaborations in sectors like data centres, network equipment manufacturing, and integrated breweries, inviting companies like Cisco and Carlsberg to expand their operations in the state.
In a significant meeting with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Nara Chandrababu Naidu sought support for establishing a Center of Excellence for Health Innovation and Diagnostics in Andhra Pradesh. He also discussed the possibility of setting up an AI university with Gates’ foundation in the state.
Chandrababu’s efforts to position Andhra Pradesh as a preferred investment destination were well-received, with several companies committing to visit the state for further discussions. The tour concluded on a high note, with Chief Minister Chandrababu expressing confidence that the engagements would yield positive results in the coming months.
This visit marks Nara Chandrababu’s first international tour since becoming Chief Minister for the fourth time, and it has set the stage for Andhra Pradesh to emerge as a key player in India’s economic growth story.