The Income Tax officials have been conducting raids on the residences and offices of all the top producers of Telugu cinema. The raids reached the fourth day and some crucial documents have been seized from the residence of Dil Raju. He has been taken to his office by the IT officials after starting the raids today. The raids have been going on in his office for the past three days. There is no clarity about what exactly happened in the residence of Dil Raju. The raids are doing regarding the recent release Game Changer.
The same is the case with Yerneni Naveen of Mythri Movie Makers. After conducting raids in his residence, he is taken to the office of Mythri Movie Makers in the official vehicle of the officials. The videos of Dil Raju taken to his office are posted on social media. The IT raids are going across the offices and premises of several other producers. There are reports that the raids will be concluded today.