Nandamuri Balakrishna has commenced the shoot of Akhanda 2 and the film marks the collaboration of Balayya with Boyapati Sreenu. After delivering three blockbusters together, there are high expectations on the film. The upcoming schedule of the film has commenced recently. Samyuktha Menon has joined the team as the leading lady in the film. Pragya Jaiswal has shot some crucial scenes in Akhanda 2 in the first schedule. Speculations say that Samyuktha Menon replaced Pragya Jaiswal but the makers haven’t given any clarity for the same.
Reports also say that Samyuktha Menon is one of the leading ladies in Akhanda 2. Balakrishna will join the sets of the film in the new schedule soon. Akhanda 2 is aimed for Dasara 2025 release across all the Indian languages. The shoot of the film will be concluded by post-summer. 14 Reels Plus are the producers and Thaman is the music composer.