Telangana Congress chief Mahesh Kumar Goud hoped for a real estate boom, as Telangana’s delegation to Davos, managed to raise a whopping Rs 1.78 lakh Cr investments. TPCC chief challenged BRS for an open debate on the investments raised at Davos.
Saying that CM Revanth Reddy has been successful in presenting Telangana as an attractive destination for global investors, Mahesh Kumar Goud presented the progress report on state delegation’s Davos visit.
“CM Revanth Reddy-led Telangana delegation has created history at Davos. They have presented Telangana as one of the most sought after destinations for the global investors. As a result reputed companies like Amazon, Sun Petrochemicals, CtrlS, Infosys and other announced new investments. About 16 MOUs have been signed bringing a whopping Rs 1,64,050 Cr investment for Telangana. With these new investments about 50,000 new jobs will be created in Telangana. Even Hyderabad real estate will see a boom,” said Mahesh Kumar Goud, addressing the media conference at Gandhi Bhavan on Friday.
“CM Revanth Reddy delegation has proved that only Congress Government can attract investments for the growth of Telangana. While BRS Govt brought Rs 25,750 Cr in eight summits at Davos from 2015 to 2023, Congress Govt brought Rs 2.19 lakh Cr in just two WEF summits in 2024 and 25,” explained Mahesh Kumar Goud, challenging BRS for an open debate on investments.
Telangana Congress President patted CM Revanth Reddy and IT and Industries Minister D Sridhar Babu for Davos accomplishments.