Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has kickstarted a new chapter in the state’s development by launching four groundbreaking schemes. These initiatives, aimed at transforming the lives of citizens, were inaugurated in Narayanpet district. The state government has already completed all necessary preparations across districts, and ministers have announced that a new era of progress begins today.
1. New Ration Cards for Telangana Citizens
The first scheme focuses on issuing new ration cards, a long-awaited relief for the people of Telangana. For the past decade, citizens have been eagerly waiting for this update. Under the supervision of the Civil Supplies Department, the government will now distribute new ration cards to eligible beneficiaries.
2. Rythu Bharosa: Financial Support for Farmers
The second scheme, Rythu Bharosa, aims to support farmers by providing ₹12,000 per acre for cultivable land. However, this scheme will not apply to uncultivable land. The government will directly transfer the funds into the bank accounts of eligible farmers, ensuring transparency and timely assistance.
3. Indiramma Athmeeya Bharosa: Aid for Landless Farmers
The third initiative, Indiramma Athmeeya Bharosa, targets landless farmers and daily wage labourers. Under this scheme, beneficiaries will receive ₹12,000 annually in two instalments. This financial aid is specifically designed to support the poorest of the poor, including those without even a small piece of land.
4. Indiramma Illu: Housing for the Poor
The fourth scheme, Indiramma Illu, addresses the housing needs of the underprivileged. For those who own land but lack the resources to build a house, the government will provide financial assistance. Additionally, landless poor families will be given houses under this scheme. So far, the state has received over 8.54 lakh applications for this housing initiative.
Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy officially launched these schemes in Chandravancha village, located in his constituency, Kodangal. The government has appointed dedicated officers for each scheme and assigned four mandal-level officers to oversee the implementation in every village.
The state government has assured that the implementation of these schemes will be a continuous process. Plans have been finalized to ensure that all eligible beneficiaries across the state receive the benefits by March 31. CM Revanth Reddy has issued strict warnings to officials, stating that any injustice to genuine beneficiaries or misuse of the schemes will result in strict action against the responsible officers.
These four schemes mark a significant step towards fulfilling the Telangana Congress government’s promises and improving the lives of Telangana’s citizens.