Actor Yash in a previous interview confirmed his significant role in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana. Moreover, he revealed that he will co-produce the movie. While speculations about filming continue online, it has been learned that the KGF star is getting ready to join the cast in March. Yash will start filming the movie in March. The KGF star was introduced to the project by Namit Malhotra while discussing other ideas. Interestingly, Yash was the first lead actor to officially announce his character in Ramayana. Although many photos and videos from the sets have circulated on social media, neither Ranbir Kapoor nor Sai Pallavi have confirmed their involvement in the project.
Yash is currently shooting for Toxic, a high voltage action entertainer that revolves around drug mafia. Geethu Mohandas is the director and Kiara Advani is the leading lady. Nayanthara will be seen in an important role and KVN Productions are the producers. Toxic was initially planned for summer release but it is now pushed further.