Success machine Anil Ravipudi has delivered eight successful films in a span of ten years which is really a huge achievement. His recent film Sankranthiki Vastunnam is a massive hit and Dil Raju is earning huge profits through the film. Anil Ravipudi is all set to direct Megastar Chiranjeevi in his next film and the shoot commences from the second half of the year. Sahu Garapati’s Shine Screens are on board to produce the film. As per the update, Anil Ravipudi has hiked his fee and he is demanding a remuneration of Rs 25 crores for the film.
The film’s producer Sahu Garapati has agreed to pay the quoted remuneration for Anil Ravipudi after the gigantic success of Sankranthiki Vastunnam. Anil Ravipudi’s film with Chiranjeevi is said to be a hilarious entertainer and it will release during Sankranthi 2026. Bheems will score the music and Anil Ravipudi will repeat his chief technicians for the film. The scriptwork of the film will commence next month.