A tragic stampede occurred during the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj on Mauni Amavasya, Wednesday, January 29, 2025, leading to multiple casualties. The incident took place around 2:30 AM at the Sangam banks, where millions of pilgrims had gathered for the holy bath. The chaos resulted in at least 15 deaths and left around 25-30 women hospitalized with injuries.
The stampede was triggered by severe overcrowding and mismanagement. Eyewitnesses reported that confusion among pilgrims about where to go after the holy bath, hidden iron dustbins causing people to trip, excessive luggage carried by devotees, and pushing in the crowd all contributed to the tragedy. The situation worsened as people began shoving, leading to a chaotic and panicked environment.
An eyewitness, described the scene as chaotic and panicked. He explained that the hidden dustbins and lack of clear directions caused many to trip, while the pushing in the crowd worsened the situation. Eyewitness himself sustained injuries while trying to help others during the stampede.
The stampede forced the Akharas (religious groups) to call off their traditional ‘Amrit Snan’ (holy bath) for Mauni Amavasya. Niranjani Akhara chief Kailashanand Giri Maharaj stated that the decision was made to prioritize the safety and well-being of the common devotees. Despite the cancellation, large numbers of pilgrims continued to take dips at the Sangam and other ghats in the Mela area.
In response to the incident, the Rapid Action Force (RAF) was deployed to manage the crowds and restore order. The Maha Kumbh, already significant due to the rare ‘Triveni Yog’ celestial alignment occurring once every 144 years, had attracted an estimated 10 crore pilgrims this year. The stampede highlighted the challenges of managing such massive gatherings.