Director Karan Johar has just welcomed Ibrahim Ali Khan, the son of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh, into the film industry. The internet is buzzing with reactions to this news. Karan shared a heartfelt post on Instagram, reminiscing about his first meeting with Amrita, whom he affectionately calls ‘Dingy,’ when he was 12 years old. He recalled Amrita’s grace and her talent in front of the camera while working on a movie called ‘Duniya’ with Saif. Karan also shared several photos of Ibrahim, who appears effortlessly stylish in various outfits, including a look that reminded Karan of Saif when they first met.
“‘Films are in their blood, their genes, and their passion. We make way for a new wave of talent, one that I cannot wait for the world to see. So, stay tuned as @iakpataudi makes his way into your hearts and soon…onto the screens!’ Karan concluded with excitement about Ibrahim’s future” posted Karan Johar through which he made an announcement about launching Ibrahim Ali Khan. Soon social media is filled with the debate of nepotism which is widely discussed in Bollywood. Earlier Karan Johar introduced several star kids and his announcement brought back the debate of nepotism topic in Hindi cinema.