After scoring back-to-back super hits in Telugu, Rashmika Mandanna is focused on Bollywood. Animal and Pushpa franchise made her a Superstar in Hindi and she is currently shooting for Salman Khan’s upcoming actioner Sikandar directed by AR Murugadoss. As per the reports from the Bollywood media, the actress has signed one more big film and it features Salman Khan in the lead role. Atlee is the director and the film is currently in pre-production stages.
As per the reports, Rashmika was approached and the actress gave her nod. One more Superstar will play the other lead role and an official announcement will be made soon. Sun Pictures are the producers and both Salman Khan along with Atlee will be charging big remunerations for the film. The shoot commences during the second half of this year and the schedules are planned. Sikandar will hit the screens during the Eid holiday season.