Mega Producer Allu Aravind worked with Bollywood Mr Perfect Aamir Khan in Ghajini. The film was a super hit and it was also the first Rs 100 crore grosser for Hindi cinema. There are a lot of speculations about Ghajini 2 but Aamir Khan and Allu Aravind never responded to the speculations or made the news official. Allu Aravind produced Naga Chaitanya’s Thandel and the film is releasing on February 7th. For the Hindi press interaction, Aamir Khan attended the event as Special Guest to promote Naga Chaitanya’s film.
As Allu Aravind shares a great bond with Aamir Khan, he said that he wanted to deliver a Rs 1000 crore film with Aamir Khan and the top actor questioned if it was Ghajini 2. The duo also said that they have been reading about the ongoing speculations in the media and they hoped that it would happen soon. Allu Aravind has been keen to produce a Bollywood film for a long time. He met several top actors and producers but the collaborations did not happen. Hope he will make his Bollywood comeback with Ghajini 2 with Aamir Khan.