Actors and actresses follow a very strict diet and exercise regiment to look like they do. While a few like Rana eat whatever they want and hit the gym with a vengeance, most are extremely careful about what goes inside.
Naturally, when the desire to look ultra glamorous is so high, certain health fads tend to grip the industry once in a while. In the early 90’s, there was oil pulling. After that, wheat grass took center stage for some time. The green tea craze is still present.
Right now, the latest trend is towards cold pressed juices and nut milk. Almost every major hero and heroine currently includes cold pressed juices and nut milk in their daily diet. While the health benefits of these two are not scientifically proven conclusively, there are many who swear by it.
So, until the next fad comes along, our actors and actresses will root for cold pressed juices and nut milk.