Intensifying his fight against chief minister Chandrababu Naidu, opposition leader YS Jaganmohan Reddy this afternoon led a dharna at Kakinada demanding special category status to Andhra Pradesh. Jagan dared Naidu to issue an ultimatum to the centre for getting special status accorded to the state if he was really serious about the demand.
” If you are really serious about getting special status to state, issue an ultimatum to the centre that you would pull out the TDP ministers from central government if special status is not bestowed on AP,” he said to cheering crowds.
Kakinada dharna was organized as part of the state-wide program of the party, in which party MLAs, MPs and senior leaders participated at district and division and Mandal levels.
This is the third major agitation Jagan led in the past ten days , the first being the drought dharna at Macherla and the second at Vizag in the company of employees of Brandix Apparel.
Jagan attacked Naidu’s inability to wage a fight to protect the interests of the people of the state. ” You can’t fight with centre for special status and your are not in a position to question Telangana chief minister KCR even though he is planning to build projects to divert entire water from Krishna river,” he said adding that this stance of Naidu would spell disaster for the state, especially for the youth, who are anxiously waiting for employment in the state.
” Instead of fighting for special status, Naidu is going around the globe with a begging bowl for investments. If the special status were to be granted, investors would come calling,” Jagan said.
Jagan said his fight for special status would continue till it’s achieved.
” Lakhs of youth are waiting for jobs. But Naidu is not ready to exert pressure on centre. Because he doesn’t want to invite the wrath of Prime Minister. Lakhs of acres in Rayalaseema and coastal Andhra is going to be denied water by Telangana projects. Naidu is helpless. Because, he fears an arrest in the cash for vote scam in Hyderabad,” Jagan said and added that entire state was suffering because of Naidu’s self-centered politics.
The opposition leader blamed Naidu for centre’s denial of special status. ” After the elections Naidu backtracked on his stand on special status and started talking that special status was not a cure-all sanjeevani. Having seen the change in the attitude of chief minister, Centre had gone back on the special status issue,” he said