With less than a week left for the grand release of Prince Mahesh Babu starrer Brahmotsavam, the core team is busy promoting the film quite aggressively. Samantha and Kajal Aggarwal started the promotional campaign a couple days ago and Mahesh Babu joined them from yesterday. He started interacting with all the leading news channels and film correspondents and expressed confidence about the success of Brahmotsavam.
PVP Cinema, the production house behind this family entertainer, is going all out with aggressive plans to take the film deep into the audience. The post production activities are nearing completion and the censor scrutiny will be done in a couple of days. The audio songs and the good looking posters have created a solid buzz in the film and the massive release hints that the first weekend collections are going to be huge. The advance bookings in Overseas are solid and the premier show figures are expected to set new records.
The Srikanth Addala directional has its music composed by Mickey J Meyer. The film is all set for a grand release on May 20th.