Lavanya Tripathi has learnt it the hard way. Though she did not have a successful debut, Andala Rakshasi gave her loads of publicity. She did not sign a film immediately hoping to move her career strategically. Unfortunately she signed a Vishnu Manchu project where she was reduced to a guest appearance, that after waiting for so long. Disillusioned she kept herself busy with Tamil movies and only the Lady Luck knocked her door. Bhale Bhale Magadivoy turned out to be a super hit and even LoL looks to be promising with Lavanya playing two roles in it. Then she already has a film with Nagarjuna. The actor seemed to have learnt the hard way. She smartly rejected Oka Ammayi Thappa which has the heroine playing a small part citing dates problem and is now looking into moving in the big league.She even refused a big sum and didn’t want to work with Sandeep Kishan fearing her market will come down. Similarly is the case with Rakul who now wants to circulate in the big league.
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