Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan, during his visit to Pithapuram in Kakinada district, highlighted the critical role of farmers in the nation’s progress. Speaking at the Pallu Panduga Panchayati celebrations, he stated, “If the cow is healthy, the farmer thrives. If the farmer thrives, the nation prospers.” The event was attended by Kakinada MP Tangella Uday Srinivas, Collector Shanmohan, SP Vikrant Patil, and other public representatives.
Later, at a public meeting held at Pithapuram Municipal High School, Pawan Kalyan criticized the previous YSRCP government for its alleged scams and inefficiency. He pointed out that while the YSRCP constructed only 268 Gokulams in five years, the current government has built 12,500 in just six months. He accused the previous administration of weakening the dairy industry and creating a record in scams.
Addressing the issue of accountability, Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan stressed that mistakes anywhere in the state should be addressed collectively. He referred to the recent Tirupati incident and reiterated his sincere apology for the lapses. He emphasized that officials and employees must fulfill their responsibilities diligently.
“If a mistake happens, it is our collective responsibility. I have apologized sincerely for the Tirupati incident. But why aren’t others stepping forward to apologize? If it’s not our fault, then why should I alone take the blame?” he questioned. He also warned against favoritism in governance, stating, “If anyone acts arbitrarily, I will not hesitate to take action. Power is not a decoration; it is a responsibility.”
Pawan Kalyan announced his plans to tour districts starting from Pithapuram and work closely with leaders to ensure effective governance. He expressed his desire for a stable coalition government for at least 15 years and sought the cooperation of the administrative machinery.
“I don’t need money or fame. God has already given me enough. My only wish is to see people happy,” he said, reaffirming his commitment to public welfare.