Hyderabad Police have booked cases on 11 influencers promoting betting apps. Due to the sensational nature of the case, it has soon become viral, much like the posts and vidoes of these celebrities and social media influencers, who make a living by making viral content.
While the investigation in this case is set to continue and only time will tell as to what action will be taken on them, the action of Hyderabad Police is seen as a welcome step in curbing the unhealthy growth of betting apps.
Popular celebrities and social media influencers like Vishnu Priya, Harsha Sai, Reethu Choudary, Shyamala, Supreetha and others are among the influencers list, on whom Hyderabad Police filed cases. But these celebrities are not alone and the long list of influencers, who are promoting betting and gambling apps does not end here.
There are many other social media influencers, youtubers and Instagrammers who are unbashaedly promoting betting and gambling apps.
According to a report by Centre for Knowledge Sovereignty, illegal betting market in India is worth a whopping USD 100 Billion and is growing at 30 percent. This poses a serious risk to the financial and mental health of those involved in betting and gambling and also poses challenges to Government, as income earned by betting apps may lead to money laundering, financial frauds and other crimes.
Though betting and online gambling is clearly barred in India, these betting companies operate from outside Indian destinations, posing regulatory and legal challenges to Indian law enforcement agencies to crack down on them.
However filing cases on influencers who are based in India and promoting these betting apps is a welcome move. Atleast this will deter celebrities from advertising and promoting illegal betting and online gambling.
Many youth are getting attracted to betting apps because of these celebrities and influencers. By cracking down on these celebrities, betting apps growth can be contained atleast to that extent. Not just celebrities, Police should also come up with ways to crack down on the founders and owners of betting apps to put a permanent end to this serious issue.