Hero Adivi Sesh signed another Pan India project which marks the debut of popular cinematographer Shaneil Deo as the director. Shaneil Deo was the DOP for Sesh’s blockbusters Kshanam and Goodhachari. Supriya Yarlagadda is the producer and Suneil Narang is the co-producer of this untitled movie to be presented by Annapurna Studios.
Adivi Sesh’s character reveal poster was dropped today. The actor who covered his face with the black scarf is seen giving a stern gaze. The actor who sports a stylish look seems to be playing an action-packed role in the movie. The title will be disclosed on December 18th.
For this movie tipped to be an action drama, Shruti Haasan is roped in as the lead actress. Sesh and Shruti are working together for the first time. Like in Sesh’s previous movies, this one will also have significance for the heroine.
More details of this movie are awaited.