The much-anticipated fantasy-horror-thriller Aghathiyaa from Vels Film International is set to captivate audiences with its intriguing blend of time-travel and supernatural horror. Directed by Pa Vijay, the film features an ensemble cast led by Jiiva, Arjun Sarja, and Raashi Khanna. The teaser which is out now offers a glimpse into a gripping journey that spans multiple timelines and brings to life an epic confrontation between angels and devils.
The story begins in the haunting backdrop of a mysterious bungalow located on a secluded island. The narrative kicks off in 1940, during the British Raj, where a series of chilling and inexplicable events unfold. Fast forward to the present day, where Jiiva’s character and his girlfriend, played by Raashi Khanna, decide to investigate the very same eerie bungalow.
Jiiva looked good in his character, whereas Raashii Khanna appeared as his ladylove. Arjun Sarja’s role is shrouded in ambiguity, as his character seems to straddle the line between good and evil.
What truly sets Aghathiyaa apart is its visual storytelling. Cinematographer Dipak Kumar Padhy created a visually immersive experience. Yuvan Shankar Raja’s vivacious background score complements the narrative. The teaser’s technical prowess is matched by the top-notch visual effects. On the whole, it’s a visual wonder.
With the teaser creating hype, the movie is gearing up for release on January 31st.