Pranab Mukherjee, former president of India attending RSS event led to a massive debate in the country. It led to debate because Pranab Mukherjee is a hard core Congress man and proponent of Nehruvian ideology and Congress is anti-RSS to the core.

Congress MP Ahmed Patel openly expressed his disappointment in his tweet – “I did not expect this from Pranab da!”. He also tagged the tweet of Sharmishta, daughter of Pranab and now congress spokes person, who also expressed her ire over the decision of her father.

Sharmistha earlier tweeted: “Hope CitiznMukherjee now realizes from today’s incident, how BJP dirty tricks department operates. Even RSS would not believe that you are going to endorse its views in your speech. But the speech will be forgotten, visuals will remain and those will be circulated with fake statements,” she said in a series of tweets.

It seems, all staunch congress people are terribly disappointed with Pranab’s decision of attending RSS event.

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