Tamil superstar Thala Ajith’s much awaited thriller Vidaamuyarchi has been deferred to an indefinite date due to some financial hurdles. The film, directed by Magizh Thirumeni, was scheduled for release on January 10th as a festival gift during Pongal. However, the makers have released a press note stating that the film has been pushed to a later date due to unavoidable circumstances.
The postponement of Vidaamuyarchi comes as a huge disappointment for Ajith’s fans and Kollywood moviegoers because Pongal is an ideal season which helps big-ticket films to have extended run with massive footfalls irrespective of the reviews and word of mouth. Unfortunately, Vidaamuyarchi lost a great opportunity by missing out on the festival season.
Meanwhile, this development will benefit Telugu film Game Changer which is slated for release simultaneously on January 10th all over Tamil Nadu. As Game Changer director Shankar Shanmugam hails from Kollywood, there are good expectations on this political thriller which stars Ram Charan in the lead role. Moreover, popular Tamil artist SJ Suryah will be seen in a prominent role in this film.
As Vidaamuyarchi got postponed, Game Changer will have a strong chance to open big in Tamil Nadu. Recently, Allu Arjun starrer Pushpa 2 performed well there. Trade circles are expecting that Game Changer will pull in strong numbers because of the Shankar factor. Tamil director Karthik Subbaraj lent the script for Game Changer. Hence, there will be good anticipation in Tamil Nadu.
As Game Changer has been carrying positive reports from reliable sources in Tamil Nadu, the film might rake in solid revenues if these reports turn out to be true.