Akhil Akkineni has been away from work for one year. The debacle of Agent left the young actor shattered. He has been busy finalizing scripts and he finalized a big-budget project to be produced by UV Creations. The project got delayed and Akhil okayed a new film and it was launched grandly today in Annapurna Studios. Murali Kishor Abburu will direct this romantic entertainer set in the Rayalaseema region. Sree Leela is finalized to play the leading lady in this untitled film.
Nagarjuna, Naga Chaitanya and Naga Vamsi along with the team were present for the launch. Two top production houses Annapurna Studios and Sithara Entertainments are on board to bankroll this project and the shoot commences next year. Thaman is on board to compose the music and background score. Sree Leela is also the leading lady in Naga Chaitanya’s upcoming movie to be directed by Karthik Varma Dandu.