Akhil Akkineni, Son of King Nagarjuna is making his debut this year in the direction of V.V.Vinayak. Young actor Nithin is producing this film on his Sresht Films banner. Latest we hear is that this film is entering Dusserah race. Sources are indicating that Akhil’s launch vehicle is all set to hit the screens on October 21st 2015. This will make Dusserah 2015 a 2 horse race as Ram Charan – Sreenu Vaitla’s film too is set for Dusserah release. Sayyesha Sehgal is cast opposite Akhil in this socio-fantasy film which promises to be a mass entertainer staying true to V.V.Vinayak’s style of movie making. Thaman and Anoop Rubens are scoing music for this film. Amol Rathod is handling cinematography.
NabhaNatesh Coolie Disco Performance