Akshay Kumar’s recent film, Sky Force, has been a much-needed success for the Bollywood actor. The movie had a double digit opening on its first day which has never happened in recent times for any of Akshay Kumar’s films. Sky Force was made on a relatively modest budget unlike his previous big hit, Sooryavanshi, which had a big budget. Akshay’s last few releases had not performed well at the box office, but Sky Force seems to have turned things around for him. The film has drawn comparisons to Fighter, another Republic Day release but Sky Force opened on a decent note when compared to his previous films.
Khel Khel Mein, Sarfira, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, Mission Raniganj, Selfiee, Ram Setu, Raksha Bandhan, Samrat Prithviraj, and Bachchhan Paandey are his recent releases and ended up as disasters. The movie Sky Force is based on the untold story of India’s first and deadliest airstrike during the 1965 India-Pakistan War. Newcomer Veer Pahariya plays IAF officer T Vijaya, who goes missing in action, while Akshay Kumar portrays his fellow officer, KO Ahuja, who sets out on a mission to find him. The film also stars Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan in significant roles. Sky Force is directed by Sandeep Kelwani and Abhishek Kapur.