In a shocking incident, Icon Star Allu Arjun has been arrested by the Chikkadpally police today in Sandhya theatre stampede case. The actor was taken to Gandhi Hospital for medical tests and he is produced in Nampally court. Megastar Chiranjeevi has canceled the shoot of Vishwambara after knowing the news and he rushed to the residence of Allu Aravind. Speculations said that the cops have asked Chiranjeevi not to come to Chikkadapally police station as crowds would gather in huge numbers and the situation would turn worse. Mega brother Naga Babu too reached Allu Aravind’s residence.
Senior advocate Niranjan Reddy, the producer of Acharya is representing Allu Arjun in the case. He happens to be the legal advisor for several top Tollywood celebrities. Tollywood producers Dil Raju, Naga Vamsi, Mythri Ravi Shankar and others reached Chikkadapally police station. Tight security has been imposed near Nampally Court and Chanchalguda jail. More details awaited.