Icon Star Allu Arjun has been enjoying the success of Pushpa 2: The Rule. The actor is on a break and he will take a long break before he commences the shoot of his next. He has been in talks with several Bollywood filmmakers from the past few months. The super success of Pushpa 2: The Rule in North opened more doors for the actor. Allu Arjun has been spotted in the Hyderabad Airport this morning leaving the city. Bunny flew to Mumbai and he had a meeting with legendary director Sanjay Leela Bhanasali.
The duo has been discussing a script from the past few months. A crucial meeting took place today and few big announcements will be made from Bunny’s team soon. Allu Arjun is in talks with Trivikram Srinivas for a film and the shoot commences this year. The pan-Indian project is expected to hit the screens by the end of 2026. Bunny is also holding talks with Koratala Siva for a film.