The Sandhya theatre stampede case has created a sensation and Icon Star Allu Arjun landed into troubles. The Telangana government has taken things seriously and Allu Arjun is out on bail. A woman named Revathi passed away and her son Sritej is battling for life. He is in recovery mode and is being treated in KIMS Hospital. Allu Arjun has visited Sritej today in the hospital after the cops granted permission. As the case is under investigation, Allu Arjun had to take permission from the cops after which he visited Sritej. Allu Arjun is currently on a break after the release of Pushpa 2: The Rule. Sukumar is the director and Mythri Movie Makers are the producers.
Pragya Jaiswal In Daaku Maharaaj Press Meet