A stampede took place on the night of December 4th in Hyderabad’s Sandhya theatre where Allu Arjun and his family were watching Pushpa 2: The Rule. A woman named Revathi passed away and her son is battling for life on a ventilator. Allu Arjun’s team rushed to the hospital and assured all the needed help for the family. Allu Arjun took his official social media page and posted a 3 minute video about the incident. “Me, Sukumar and the team of Pushpa were disappointed and we were left in shock. I would like to offer my condolences to Revathi garu’s family. We cannot cover the loss. We are emotionally there for you and we would offer our help. I am donating Rs 25 lakhs as a good will gesture. This is just to believe that I am there for you and this is to secure their future. I will be there for them” posted Allu Arjun.
The video has been receiving a lot of backlash and criticism from the netizens. Here are some of them:
Most of them criticized that Allu Arjun has never apologized to the family members of Revathi garu. He was focused on saying that he will stand for them. Some of them also criticized that Allu Arjun did not respond on time and it was too late by the time the video was posted.
Allu Arjun said that they could not celebrate the success of Pushpa because of the incident but the celebration videos of Thursday were all over the internet.
Allu Arjun was criticized for wearing a customized hoodie in the videobyte. Some of the viewers posted that it is not the right time to focus on styling and come up with a customized hoodie when an unfortunate incident took place.
A netizen commented that the video was made perfectly with the needed music and background score attached and this is a perfect PR stunt from Allu Arjun’s team.
Some of the viewers suggested that Allu Arjun should have paid his visit to the hospital and supported the family of Revathi when they were completely devastated.