The non-stop all-round criticism is badly embarrassing the Jagan Reddy government on the issue of Singapore companies leaving Amaravati project and Concept Cities being proposed instead of developing the Andhra Capital City. YCP Minister Buggana Rajendranath Reddy gave his sharp reactions while Minister Botsa Satyanarayana kept silent this time.
Buggana sounded extremely harsh and bitter. He said that the Singapore companies talked about requirement of thousands of crores of rupees to develop infrastructure for their Start-up Area Project. Buggana said that AP doesn’t have such huge financial resources to build such big projects. He wondered why the opposition parties are making so much fuss about Capital City. In a very frustrated tone, Buggana said that Amaravati has not come from heaven and it’s not an immediate priority for the YCP government.
Buggana went on to say that they want to develop industrial corridor from Kadapa to Visakhapatnam. Buggana’s bold comments exposed the continued adamant attitude of Jagan Regime despite united attack by the opposition parties and negative response from the Modi government.