Renowned Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan has sold his duplex apartment in Mumbai’s Oshiwara area for a remarkable Rs 83 crore. The property, located in the residential project The Atlantis by Crystal Group, was originally purchased by Bachchan for Rs 31 crore in April 2021, indicating a significant 168% increase in value. The duplex apartment covers a built-up area of 529.94 square meters (nearly 5,704 square feet) and a carpet area of 481.75 square meters (nearly 5,185.62 square feet). It also features a spacious terrace of 445.93 square meters (nearly 4,800 square feet) and includes six mechanized car parking spaces. The sale transaction was registered in January 2025 and involved a stamp duty payment of Rs 4.98 crore and registration charges of Rs 30,000.
The reviewed IGR lease documents reveal that Oshiwara, a thriving area in western Mumbai, is renowned for its lively atmosphere and convenient location close to the Lokhandwala Complex. This neighborhood is well-linked by roads and the Mumbai Metro, providing residents with a harmonious combination of city accessibility and contemporary lifestyle. Amitabh Bachchan is one of the highest paid actors of the country and he has several films lined up this year.