Anasuya Bharadwaj’s role from Dr. Mohan Babu’s ‘Gayatri’ has been revealed. The anchor turned actress will be seen as Ms. Shreshta Jayaram, an investigative reporter in the film. Anasuya’s keen looks in the poster is raising curiosity over her role. Apparently, she will be seen in a strong woman character that has significance in the story. Anasuya has been exploring variety of roles since her debut with ‘Soggade Chinni Nayana’. She played a wicked cop in ‘Kshanam’. In ‘Gayatri’, she essays the role of an investigative journalist. Vishnu Manchu will be seen in a powerful role in the movie and Shriya is paired opposite him. Nikhila Vimal is also part of this film directed by Madan. Music is composed by S. Thaman. Gayatri is produced by Dr M. Mohan Babu on Sree Lakshmi Prasanna Pictures and presented by Ariaana, Viviana and Vidya Nirvana.
Anupama parameswaran In Paradha Teaser Launch Event