Andhra Pradesh’s Municipal and Urban Development Minister, Narayana, announced on Wednesday that the tender process for the construction of Amaravati, the state’s capital, will be completed by the end of January. He stated that the construction work is expected to commence in the second week of February and is projected to be completed within three years.
During his visit to the capital region, Narayana inspected the administrative towers near Nelapadu and provided updates on the development plans. He acknowledged that legal issues had caused delays in starting the construction work but expressed confidence in moving forward now.
Narayana revealed that tenders for 40 construction projects have already been issued. He criticized the previous government for creating obstacles and delaying progress, stating, “They terrorized the people with their anarchic rule.”
The minister outlined ambitious plans to position Amaravati among the world’s top five capitals. He shared that renowned architect Norman Foster has been commissioned to design iconic buildings for the city. Narayana also highlighted that work on 4,053 apartments for officials, employees, and judges had begun before 2019 but was stalled due to political bias from the previous administration.
Key features of the Amaravati development plan include a 250-meter-high assembly building designed to become a major tourist attraction and five administrative towers to centralize state-level officials in one location. Additionally, modern infrastructure such as power lines, drainage systems, and drinking water pipes will be placed underground as part of the development initiative.