Game Changer is the next big release of Telugu cinema. The film is hitting the screens during Sankranthi holiday season. After the recent controversies during the release of Pushpa 2: The Rule, the government of Telangana is not in a mood to grant permission for special premieres and there would be no ticket hike in the state. The government of Andhra Pradesh has granted permission for special premieres with ticket hikes for Game Changer and the GO has been released. The ticket price for the special premiere of Game Changer on January 10th at 1 AM would be Rs 600.
The government also granted permission to screen six shows on January 10th with a hike of Rs 175 for multiplexes and Rs 135 in single screens. Five shows can be screened from January 11th across Andhra Pradesh and the price hike remains the same. The ticket hike has been granted till January 23rd in Andhra Pradesh. The grand pre-release event of Game Changer will take place today in Rajahmundry and AP Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan is the special guest of the evening. Directed by Shankar, Game Changer is a political drama and it has Ram Charan and Kiara Advani playing the lead roles. Dil Raju is the producer.