Once again, the YCP Government has faced yet another setback in the High Court of Andhra Pradesh. The court has refused to give stay orders on the decision of State Election Commissioner Nimmagadda Ramesh Kumar to hold local body elections in February. The Government has pleaded with the court to postpone the elections in view of Coronavirus.
During the arguments, the SEC’s lawyer Aswini Kumar has said that the local body elections will be held in February itself as per the earlier orders of the High Court only. The Government’s lawyer said that the administrative machinery was not ready for holding the elections and the same has been communicated to the SEC.
The confrontation between the SEC and the Jagan regime is continuing unabated with no solution in sight. Ultimately, it seems the Government will continue the litigation on this aspect till Ramesh Kumar retires in March next year. The CM and the ruling party Ministers have given ample indications to this effect already.
Going by the past experiences, analysts say that the Government would also drag this local body elections issue also to the Supreme Court of India to buy time. Eventually, CM Jagan will be able to fulfill his desire not to allow Nimmagadda to hold elections.
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