The BJP high command is reportedly strategizing to send either megastar Chiranjeevi or former Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy to the Rajya Sabha. This move comes after the resignation of Vijayasai Reddy, which left a vacant seat from Andhra Pradesh. Sources suggest that the BJP is considering offering this opportunity to one of these prominent figures.
With YSRCP MP Vijayasai Reddy’s resignation, a Rajya Sabha seat from Andhra Pradesh has become vacant. Given the current political dynamics in the state assembly, the seat is likely to go to a party within the ruling coalition. This has sparked discussions about whether the TDP, Jana Sena, or BJP will secure the position. However, recent reports indicate that the BJP is almost certain to be allotted this seat by the coalition.
Chiranjeevi, the popular actor and founder of the Praja Rajyam Party, has been increasingly aligning himself with the BJP. During the recent elections, he actively supported BJP candidates, including releasing a video endorsing CM Ramesh for the Anakapalli MP seat. He also gave a special interview in support of Kishan Reddy, the BJP candidate from Secunderabad. Additionally, Chiranjeevi’s presence as the chief guest at a Sankranti celebration in Delhi further fueled speculation about his growing closeness to the BJP. This has led to widespread rumors that he might soon join the party officially.
Former Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy is also reportedly in the running for the Rajya Sabha seat. In the last parliamentary elections, he contested from Rajampet but faced defeat. There were strong rumors at the time that if he had won, he would have been offered a central ministerial position. Now, with the Rajya Sabha seat up for grabs, there is talk that the BJP might consider sending him to the upper house to strengthen the party’s presence in the state.
The big question now is who will secure the Rajya Sabha seat ,Chiranjeevi or Kiran Kumar Reddy? While Chiranjeevi’s candidacy could bring joy to the JanaSena party, Kiran Kumar Reddy’s experience as a former CM makes him a strong contender. Alternatively, the BJP might surprise everyone by nominating a completely new face. The final decision is expected to be revealed in the coming days.