The government of Andhra Pradesh shattered the exhibition industry. The losses are even bigger than during the pandemic when the theatres are shut for months. The minimal ticket pricing is making the theatre owners sleepless. After some of the exhibitors approached the High Court against the GO 35, the High Court canceled the GO but it is implemented forcefully in AP. The officials are quite active and they are conducting raids on the theaters all over AP. The government of Andhra Pradesh is least bothered about the instructions of the High Court. They are mounting huge pressure on the theatre owners and the situation in the state is just pathetic.

Some of the exhibitors informed their distributors that it would be quite tough to run the theatres at such low prices. Some among them took a call and closed their theatres for now. They are not interested to stay in business when the ticket prices are quite low. Balakrishna’s Akhanda will recover the investments for the distributors in AP while the distributors of other regions outside AP are making decent profits. When it comes to Pushpa, the buyers of AP will lose half of their investment because of the low ticket pricing.

If a proper resolution is not found, the theatrical business in Andhra Pradesh will soon come to an end.

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