Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy launched Aramghar – Zoo Park flyover on Monday. This is the second largest flyover in Hyderabad with a length of 4.08 kilometers. This six-lane flyover will greatly help in easing the traffic in Old City and on Hyderabad-Bengaluru highway.
Aramghar to Zoo Park flyover has been constructed with an outlay of Rs 799 Cr under Strategic Road Development Program (SRDP). It took about four years for this flyover to be constructed. With this second largest flyover open to the public, vehicles moving from Puranapul, Bahadurpura, Kishan Bagh areas towards Aramghar, Samshabad and vice versa will have traffic free movement.
Puranapul to Aramghar Road has been one of the heavy traffic stretches, as both intra city vehicles and intercity vehicles were passing through it in large numbers. As this stretch is part of Hyderabad-Bengaluru Highway, a large number of long distance vehicles travelling from Hyderabad to Mahabubnagar and Kurnool side pass through it. With the launch of this flyover, people travelling in these areas will be relieved of traffic problems.
Aramghar-Zoo Park flyover also has a distinction, as it is the largest flyover built after the formation of Telangana. Though KTR launched flyovers at Kothaguda, Khaitalapur, VST-Indira Park, LB Nagar and other areas during BRS rule, none of them were as lengthy as the Aramghar – Zoo Park flyover.
The 11.6 km long PVNR Expressway launched in 2009, to facilitate obstruction-free travel to Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA), Samshabad from Hyderabad city, is the only flyover lengthier than the newly launched Aramghar – Zoo Park flyover.