NTR’s Aravindha Sametha Veera Raghava that ended up as a smashing hit during Dasara last year got telecasted recently on small screen. The film marked the comeback of Trivikram and NTR’s roaring performance has been widely lauded. Aravindha Sametha Veera Raghava was telecasted on Zee Telugu and registered a TRP of 13.70. The film fell short of Geetha Govindam (20.51), Rangasthalam (19.5) and Bharat Ane Nenu (14.60) which were smashing hits on small screen too last year. Allu Arjun’s Naa Peru Surya got 12.15 while Pawan Kalyan’s Agnyaathavaasi was even rejected on television as it registered the lowest TRP of 6.11 on small screen among the biggies released in 2018.
NabhaNatesh Coolie Disco Performance