The comedy in Tamil films sometimes borders on vulgarity be it Vadivelu starrer or the recent GV Prakash film Trisha Ledha Nayantara. But the public has decided enough is enough. They have expressed their outrage on the new song composed by Anirudh and sung by Simbhu. As the Beep song controversy prolongs, actor Simbu, has reportedly been absconding from Chennai and a police team visited the actor’s house on Tuesday night to conduct an enquiry but found he was not at his Masilamani street house in T. Nagar. The police have since then intensified their search for the actor. According to the police, Simbu is not living anywhere in Tamil Nadu at the moment, therefore the police have sent five teams to states outside TN to conduct searches. The cyber police have a record of Simbu’s phone calls and are trying to find leads through his last few calls. However, police said the actor’s mobile phone has been switched off since Tuesday night making it difficult to trace his location. In order to prevent the popular actor from leaving the country, the police are trying to block his passport. Music composer Anirudh who also has the FIR filed against him is currently in Toronto and the police are keeping a look-out at the airport awaiting his return.
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