“My brother did so much for me, can’t ‘I sacrifice one month for him,” says director Ohmkar who is busy with the post production work of Jatha Kalise. The film is releasing on the 25th of this month and stars his brother Ashwin and Tejaswi Madivada. Rakesh Sasi is the director, he became friends with Ohmkar while directing Genius, the former was an associate at that time. He even worked with RGV. Ohmkar is sure of his brother delivering another superhit. “Once his career stabilises I can move over to my next film but till this film releases my energies and concentration will be on my brother. There is a comedy track and Rajamouli laughed aloud when he saw it. This is a journey based love story and there is plenty of comedy in it. Ashwin will get a lover boy image with this movie. “
Aditi Shankar In Premistava Trailer Launch Event