Sithara Entertainments, the leading production house of Telugu Cinema, has delivered a huge blockbusters. This renowned banner has been most active recently with back to back releases. The production house led by successful producer Naga Vamsi scored two 100 crore blockbusters within a 3-month gap. For 2024 Diwali, Sithara came with Lucky Baskhar amidst massive competition at the box office but received blockbuster response from audience making it as a best film of 2024. This Dulquer Salmaan-led period crime drama has earned over Rs 100 crore at the box office.
Now, the recently released Daaku Maharaaj, starring God of Masses Nandamuri Balakrishna, crosses 100 crores gross in just 4 days. The production house achieved these milestones with the impressive content and impeccable quality. These record-breaking numbers raise the trust in Sithara. Sithara Entertainments has an incredible lineup next with potential blockbusters coming in the next few years. The producers always believe in the content, produce with full heart, and promote in a unique way that the film reaches everyone. Looks like many more blockbuster films are loading under this banner.