For the first time, Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas, Nara Rohit and Manchu Manoj are teaming up and the film is titled Bhairavam. The film is directed by Vijay Kanakamedala and it is the remake of Tamil blockbuster film Garudan. The teaser of Bhairavam is out and it is packed with high voltage action. All the three actors are expected to have balanced roles in this actioner and it is headed by Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas who plays Srinu in the film. All the three actors are fearless and loud in the released teaser.
The cinematography work along with the background score are quite supportive. Vijay Kanakamedala has decided to go with a loyal remake plan through the film. The dialogues are good and Bhairavam is shot in quick schedules. KK Radha Mohan is the producer and the makers are in plans to release the film on February 21st. Aditi Shankar, Anandhi, and Divya Pillai are the heroines in the film. Sri Charan Pakala is the music director and the production values are good. Bhairavam is the next big mass entertainer in Tollywood that will release in February.