Sankranthiki Vastunnam is dominating the Sankranthi box-office with packed houses and record numbers. The film opened with a bang and it is the highest opener among Venkatesh’s films. The second day numbers are super strong and the film is expected to leave the makers and buyers in huge profits. Digital giants Amazon and Netflix have been in talks for the digital streaming rights but they opposed a Sankranthi release. Anil Ravipudi and Dil Raju decided to take a risk and head for theatrical release and sell off the non-theatrical rights at a later date.
Zee Studios have acquired the digital and satellite rights of Sankranthiki Vastunnam for a fancy price. The deal has been closed recently and this will leave the makers in huge profits. T Series has acquired the music rights of Sankranthiki Vastunnam. The rest of the deals are closed and Dil Raju will make handsome profits through Sankranthiki Vastunnam. All the buyers will reach breakeven status before this weekend. Sankranthiki Vastunnam featured Venkatesh, Aishwarya Rajesh and Meenakshi Chaudhary in the lead roles.