Bigg Boss 7 Telugu: A Battle for the Finale Astra Intensifies with Tactical Moves


In the latest episode of Bigg Boss 7 Telugu, the aftermath of the intense nomination process continues to send shockwaves through the house. Shivaji, feeling betrayed by Arjun’s nomination despite his efforts to support him in becoming the captain, engages in discussions with Prashant and Priyanka. Meanwhile, Amar, who has managed to stay clear of the nominations, offers his perspective, stating that there’s no need to take nominations to heart as it’s a regular part of the game. Ironically, Amar himself has been known to make quite a spectacle when facing nominations in the past.

Ticket To Finale:

The focus of the episode shifts to the coveted “Ticket to Finale,” a task that promises to catapult the winner into the ranks of the first finalists of the season. The task involves a series of challenges, each contributing points to the overall tally.

Tick Tok Tick – The Clock Challenge: The housemates engage in the first task, “Tick Tok Tick,” where they must avoid falling when the clock hands rotate near their feet. Prashant is the first to be eliminated from the race, and Arjun emerges victorious in this segment.

Second Task – Flower Collection: The second task requires housemates to collect flowers and place them in designated areas for each contestant. After rounds of the task, Shivaji and Priyanka are eliminated due to lower scores. However, a twist is introduced by Bigg Boss: Shivaji and Shobha, who scored less, must transfer their points to a single person. Given their allegiance to Amar, both Shivaji and Shobha contribute their points to him, making him the top scorer.

Third Task – Ball and Ring Challenge: In the third task, contestants must pull a ball with a ring and deposit it in a designated basket. A controversial incident occurs during this task when Amar aggressively pulls the ball from Priyanka, leading to her emotional breakdown.

Bigg Boss Huge Favor to Star MAA batch:

The episode highlights an intriguing development where Bigg Boss seemingly extends significant support to the Star MAA batch, particularly Amar. Despite scoring less, Shivaji and Shobha are given the opportunity to transfer their points to a single housemate. Instead of choosing different beneficiaries, both opt to enhance Amar’s chances of winning the coveted ticket to the finale, as per the condition of Bigg Boss. This strategic move from Bigg Boss ensures that if Amar is not in the nominations, his votes will shift to Shobha and Priyanka, facilitating their entry into the finale.

This intentional design by Bigg Boss raises questions about fairness and transparency in the show. The audience observes a pattern where the Star MAA batch, consisting of Amar, Priyanka, and Shobha, receives preferential treatment and strategic advantages, potentially influencing the outcome of the competition. The unfolding dynamics intensify the anticipation and speculation about the impending finale, as the battle for the coveted “Finale Astra” takes center stage in Bigg Boss 7 Telugu.

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