“Bigg Boss 7 Telugu: A Game-Changing and Controversial Twist Unfolds”


The latest episode of Bigg Boss 7 Telugu introduced a series of unexpected and controversial twists, leaving both contestants and viewers stunned. The most significant turn of events revolved around the “Hall of Ball” challenge and the subsequent developments that followed.

The Black Ball Advantage: A Game-Changer

It all began when Bigg Boss inquired about the possession of the mysterious black ball. Gowtham promptly displayed the enigmatic orb. In an unprecedented move, Bigg Boss announced a special power associated with the black ball: the team holding it was required to swap their balls with the opposing team. This unexpected development sent waves of excitement through Gowtham’s team, as they had been trailing in the ball count. After the ball exchange, they emerged as the victors of the “Hall of Balls” game, now armed with a greater number of balls. This twist not only flipped the dynamics of the game but also transformed every member of Gowtham’s team into potential contenders for the coveted title of house captain.

Shivaji and Team’s Outburst: Cries of Unfairness

The turn of events did not sit well with Shivaji and his team. Despite earning more balls during the game, they were declared the losing side. The source of their discontent stemmed from the fact that the black ball originally belonged to Bhole when he was part of Gowtham’s team. However, during the “Golden Ball” announcement, they had strategically swapped him with Arjun, considering Bhole as the weakest link. The unfairness in the task is that though Bhole is now with Shivaji’s team, black ball power is given to Gowtham’s team. Shivaji and team were quick to express their displeasure, openly questioning Bigg Boss about the perceived favoritism shown to the opposing team.

Proxy Captaincy Task: A Twist in the Tale

Bigg Boss added yet another twist to the game, introducing a proxy captaincy task. The victors of the “Hall of Ball” game – Prince, Gowtham, Arjun, Teja, Shobha, and Rathika – were declared captaincy contenders. However, they were not allowed to participate directly. Instead, each of them had to select a member from the defeated Tigers team to play on their behalf. With Prashant serving as the referee due to his “deadman” status, the Tigers team was one player short. This required one member to voluntarily step back from the race. Prince graciously chose to relinquish his opportunity.

The proxy task involved players securing bags filled with thermocol beans. Their objective was to protect the beans from being removed by their opponents. Those who lost the most beans in each round would be eliminated from the task. As the game unfolded, Amar emerged as a formidable contestant, playing on behalf of Shobha. Bhole represented Rathika, Shivaji stood in for Arjun, Priyanka played for Teja, and Ashwini took on the role for Gowtham. After intense rounds of play, Ashwini, Bhole, and Shivaji were eliminated, leaving Amar and Priyanka to face off in the final showdown. In the end, Amar secured victory in this grueling task, resulting in Shobha’s elevation to the coveted position of house captain. Shobha emerged as the first lady captain of the season, marking a significant milestone in the competition.

As Bigg Boss 7 Telugu continues to unveil new twists and turns, it’s clear that the drama, competitiveness, and controversies will remain at the forefront.

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