Bigg Boss 7 Telugu: Nomination Takes an Unusual Turn – Feed the Lion


As Bigg Boss 7 Telugu heads towards its climax, the nomination process has taken an intriguing twist, with a double elimination looming over the contestants this week. The latest nomination method, introduced by Bigg Boss, involves feeding a lion to select housemates who will face eviction.

Amar’s Nominations Spark Chaos:

Amar, in a surprising move, nominated Prince for his alleged foul play during the eviction pass task. Prince retaliated, questioning the timing of this accusation, suggesting it should have been raised during the task itself as Amar was Sanchalak for that task. Amar also nominated Rathika, citing her targeting him during the captaincy task. This led to a chaotic scene with Prince coming to Rathika’s defense, and Priyanka jumping into the fray, escalating the tensions.

Gowtham’s Nominations Trigger Debates:

Gowtham took the opportunity to nominate Prashant for his perceived mistakes as Sanchalak during the eviction pass task. Prince and Shivaji, involved in the task, interfered with the discussion, resulting in heated arguments. Gowtham also nominated Shivaji for supporting Prince during the eviction pass task, adding another layer of drama to the nomination process.

Rathika Takes a Stand:

Rathika, in her nominations, targeted Amar, accusing him of using rude language during captaincy task. She also nominated Prashant for being a disruptive Sanchalak. Rathika, confident in her stand, did not shy away from expressing her reasons, setting the stage for a potential showdown.

Arjun’s Nominations and Light-Hearted Moments:

Arjun nominated Prince for alleged foul play during the eviction pass task. Prince defended himself, claiming no intention of wrongdoing. Arjun also nominated Shivaji for his loud behavior during the task, a nomination Shivaji accepted sportively. However, Shivaji later approached Arjun in a jovial manner, questioning why he was nominated when others were equally deserving.

Ashwini’s Self-Nomination:

Ashwini, refusing to nominate others for frivolous reasons, chose to self-nominate for eviction this week. Bigg Boss accepted her decision, making her a part of the nominees.

Prashant’s Revenge Nominations:

Prashant, in a retaliatory move, nominated Gowtham for targeting him during captaincy tasks. The discussion took a controversial turn when Prashant brought up Gowtham’s dress and profession. Rathika faced Prashant’s nominations as expected, with Prashant openly acknowledging them as revenge nominations.
The nomination process, coupled with personal conflicts and unexpected twists, sets the stage for an intense week in the Bigg Boss 7 Telugu house. The fate of the contestants hangs in the balance as the audience eagerly awaits the outcome of this peculiar nomination method. This process will continue in tomorrow’s episode.

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