Telangana municipal administration and IT minister K T Ramarao announced that plans were afoot to set up an international driving school at Sircilla town, the headquarters of his Assembly constituency. KTR, as he is knows in the state, today made public his Vision for the development of Sircilla constituency while addressing the party leaders from Sircilla on Friday. Another important point in his “Vision Sircilla” is the establishment of model school by Airtel. He said this was Airtels’ first school in the state and would be set up at a cost of Rs 10 crore under corporate social responsibility .
He told the gathering that he wanted to repay the debt of Sircilla which groomed him into a leader. “It must be the will of God to make him minister in KCR’s cabinet only to repay the debt to the constituency which provided me an opportunity to become an MLA at relatively younger age,” KTR said emotionally.
The “Vision Sircilla” contains many things among others such as providing drinking water tap to every household by next year, construction of fifteen hundred 2BHK houses in the constituency, providing employment opportunities to the youth in the constituency. He said Bombino and Mafatlal companies had already identified lands to set up their units. He said these units would provide employment to the local youth.
The important component of the plan is to irrigate about a lakh acres in the constituency as early possible. Stating that developing Sircilla into an important town in Telangana was his top priority, KTR said an outer ring road at a cost of Rs 30 had been sanctioned for the town. He said the town would have highways on four sides. He assured a special package for the weavers in the city. ” I have many contacts among the corporate companies. I use all of these contacts to the development of Sircilla constituency. Sircilla MLA has, for the first time, got to become part of the government. I avail this opportunity to make the constituency in model one Telangana state,” he said. This vision is certain to transform Sircilla into second VIP constituency in Telangana, the first being Gajwel, his father and chief minister KCR’s constituency.