After the debacle of Agent, Akhil Akkineni took a break for over a year and a half. He finally signed his next film and the shoot commenced recently. Murali Krishna Abburu who earlier directed Kiran Abbavaram’s Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha is directing the film. Sree Leela joined the sets of the film as the leading lady and the hunt for the lead antagonist is going on. Lenin is the title considered for the film and it is said to be a high voltage actioner laced with an emotional love story.
1992 Scam fame Pratik Gandhi is considered to play the role of the lead antagonist. The talks are going on. Pratik is occupied with several projects and the makers are holding talks if they can wait till the arrival of Pratik or find the right actor. Tamil actor Vikrant’s name too is considered and the team will take a final call very soon. Akkineni Nagarjuna’s Annapurna Studios are the producers of Lenin. More details are expected to be announced by the makers officially. Akhil was in talks with UV Creations for a periodic film but it is kept on hold currently. He is now focused on Lenin.